There are a few staples I have in my fridge at pretty much all times.  Outside of the standard things like eggs, milk, cheese, butter, and orange juice – we always have a pack of crescent rolls or a crescent sheet.  They’re great for when I’m craving something baked like these pumpkin cinnamon rolls or these mini cranberry orange bites but don’t have time to bake something totally from scratch. Having crescent rolls on hand lets me make things semi-homemade, it’s kind of my favorite.  These bacon and egg breakfast rolls are made using crescent rolls and your favorite breakfast toppings. Using the crescent rolls makes them so easy to make – they’re great for a quick and yummy breakfast. Or a great bring to a brunch group dish!  And they make a nice alternative to a traditional plate of eggs and bacon. 

Breakfast Rolls Ingredients

If you’re like me, you probably already have all of these ingredients in your fridge just waiting to be turned into breakfast rolls. Here’s everything you’ll need! 

Cooked bacon – I need to do a post about this, but the best way to make bacon is baking it!  Scrambled eggs – feel free to add milk, cheese, and whatever seasonings you normally would for scrambled eggs  Shredded cheese – any cheese works really, I think I used cheddar in these photos  Crescent rolls – 1 package of eight crescent rolls or a crescent roll sheet (sheet is easier)

How to Make Breakfast Rolls

These rolls couldn’t be any easier to make, well of course unless someone made them for you!  Here’s a quick step by step on how to make them! 

1 – Make the breakfast rolls filling. 

This is the most time-consuming part and it literally just means cooking your bacon and scrambled eggs.  Once your bacon is done, cut or chop (with food scissors) it into small bite-size pieces. 

2 – Spread out the dough.

If you’re using actual crescent rolls, open the package and lay out the two rectangles in one long rectangles all together on a piece of parchment paper. Pinch the seams together to create one seamless sheet of dough, then roll it out until you have a nice seamless rectangle.  If you’re using crescent roll sheets, you can skip the step above and simply lay out the sheet on a piece of parchment paper. 

3 – Add the breakfast rolls filling. 

Spread the bacon, eggs, and cheese over the dough either all mixed together or in layers (either one will taste just fine). Make sure to leave about 1/2 inch all the way around so the fillings don’t fall out when you roll it.

4 – Roll the dough. 

Starting at the long end, roll the dough in as tight of a roll as you can manage (this is why you to cut the bacon) until you’ve rolled it all tightly. 

5 – Cut the dough.

Cut pieces that are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch so they’ll fit nicely into a muffin tin. I typically cut the roll with dental floss because it cuts through the dough easier than say a knife.  Hold the rolls together and put into a greased muffin tin.

6 – Bake.

Bake the rolls according to the directions on the crescent roll can. Everything else is already cooked so really all you’re doing here is cooking the crescent roll and melting the cheese. It typically takes 11-13 minutes but some crescent rolls are a bit different so check your package. 

7 – Cool and enjoy!

Let the breakfast rolls cool for a few minutes before removing from the muffin tin gently with a spatula. Serve warm with your favorite fruit! 

More Delicious Breakfast Recipes

Cinnamon streusel coffee cake French toast casserole with cream cheese Breakfast casserole with ham and cheese Sausage breakfast casserole Trail mix breakfast cookies Egg muffins with a hash brown crust

Don’t forget to pin these breakfast rolls for later! 

Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 95Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 84Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 31Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 33Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 46Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 12Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 94Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 79Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 3Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 32Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 64Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 44Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 45Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 69Quick and Easy Breakfast Rolls Recipe - 71