Impulse buying is mostly emotional, and usually the result of some form of distress. This could be issues around self-esteem, anxiety, sadness, or even boredom. “Impulse buying gives us a little spike of dopamine, which is rewarding and motivating,” says Alexandra Emery, a licensed psychologist at Grit City Psychology in Seattle. Emery recommends checking in with yourself before making a spontaneous purchase to see if you’re suppressing any negative emotions. Retail therapy might make you feel better in the moment, but the feeling can quickly wear off once you realize that you have gone over your budget. We tell ourselves that we deserve to buy something or that we’ve earned it, but make sure it’s not self-harm disguised as self-care, says Marter. “It’s not really self-care if they are accruing credit card debt, or putting themselves in financial stress by overspending.” In a survey on impulse buying, 44% of people reported feeling regretful after an impulse purchase. Here are ways to set up your lifestyle and budget to prevent impulse spending and build healthier money habits. “If you still want it after 24 hours, then you’ve also had time to see how it would fit in your budget,” says Kimbree Redburn, an accredited financial counselor and coach at Illuminate Financial. “This will help you take some of the impulse out of it.” Set up direct deposits so part of your paycheck goes straight to your savings account. “That way the money isn’t there for you to spend,” says Marter. This will allow you to invest your money in ways that will secure your financial future, like building retirement savings. You can also set up a sinking fund that you can add to each month to offset some of the costs of impulse buying. “You will have some money set aside when things come up that you want to buy,” says Redburn. This gives you some wiggle room for impulse buys without completely ruining your budget. Build some flexibility into your budget for some splurges once in a while. Being too restrictive with yourself will end up discouraging you from sticking to a budget altogether, and might make you go back to unhealthy spending habits. “Allowing yourself some ‘fun budget’ will also help you to feel the benefits that come with purchasing something exciting, without all of the guilt,” says Emery. Having a financial counselor or advisor can establish a healthy financial lifestyle and help you manage impulse buying. “It’s like going to the dentist or doctor,” says Marter. “It’s taking care of our financial health, and we need to be honest and accountable or we can get ourselves in trouble.” Addictive and compulsive tendencies contribute to overspending, too. There are 12-step programs such as Debtors Anonymous and Spenders Anonymous that help support individuals who struggle with this. Before making a purchase, connect with your body and notice how that item makes you feel. If your gut is saying you probably shouldn’t be buying something, listen to it. Above all, show yourself compassion—and know your worth. “We are not our bank account; we are not our debt,” says Marter. “That’s how we are, not who we are.” Although there is a lot of shame around overcoming impulse buying and building a healthier relationship with money, it’s something many people deal with. With the right support system, information, and resources, you can create a lifestyle that helps you save for the important things—and still gives you room to have fun, too.