Unless you order produce online, you can have some control over the crispness of your cucumbers and the juiciness of your nectarines–as long as you know what to look for at the supermarket. We’ve compiled the ultimate A-to-Z guide to choosing produce like a pro. Created with expert advice from the USDA, a nutritionist, and a recipe developer, this handy chart takes the guesswork out of grocery shopping. Print this guide and keep it handy the next time you’re perusing produce; you’ll know exactly how to pick the best of everything on your list. If you’re just doing some produce research, read on for the full list of how to pick all types of fruits and vegetables at the store, from avocados and blueberries to watermelon and zucchini. Keep in mind: The avocado should yield to pressure, not be rock hard. Keep in mind: The berries should be plump and firm. Check the bottom and sides of the basket for crushed or spoiled berries. Keep in mind: The cucumber should be firm, not soft or wrinkled. Keep in mind: The date should be plump, not hard. Keep in mind: Eggplants are heavy for their size, but best at less than 1 1/2 pounds. When gently pressed, the flesh of the eggplant should give slightly and bounce back. Keep in mind: Figs should be soft and plump. Keep in mind: The best garlic should be plump, dry, and firm. Keep in mind: Basil leaves should be aromatic and bright green. Avoid black spots and moldy stems. Keep in mind: Good iceberg lettuce should have a solid, firm head when squeezed and feel heavy. Keep in mind: “Stretch marks” on jalapeños indicate hotter peppers Keep in mind: The kiwi should be slightly firm and yield to gentle pressure. Keep in mind: The heavier, the better: This means more juice. Also, lemons and limes should be fragrant. Keep in mind: There should be a slight fruity fragrance at the stem end of the mango. It should give slightly when gently squeezed. RELATED: How to Cut a Mango Keep in mind: The nectarine should give slightly when gently squeezed. Keep in mind: The okra pods should be firm. Keep in mind: A good pineapple should smell sweet at the stem end and be heavy for its size. (It’s a myth that the ability to pull a leaf off the top is an indicator of ripeness.) Keep in mind: The quince should be firm. The fuzz will fall away as the fruit ripens. Keep in mind: Stalks should be firm, not floppy. Keep in mind: Sugar snap peas should be firm and crisp. Keep in mind: A good tomato should have firm flesh with a little give. The stem end should have a sweet, earthy scent, and the tomato should feel heavy for its size. Keep in mind: The fruit should be heavy for its size, with no signs of drying at the ends. It should give slightly when gently squeezed. Keep in mind: A good onion should be firm and hard. Keep in mind: The best watermelon feel firm and heavy. RELATED: How to Pick a Cantaloupe Keep in mind: Regular Ximenia plums should be deeply colored and shiny; a white sheen is natural. They should be firm, but not rock hard. Keep in mind: Yellow squash should be firm at the stems. Keep in mind: A good zucchini is firm and heavy for its size, with no soft spots. Sources: Jackie NEwgent, RDN, CDN; Emily Han, food writer, cookbook author, co-founder of Food Swap Network, and contributor to The Kitchen; USDA.gov; Fruits & Veggies More Matters