With a happy hour to attend later that night, I frantically showered five different times and partook in way too much exfoliation. It faded a little, but I still got several wide-eyed reactions and even an “OMG, what happened?” comment. Yikes. Needless to say, it’s easy to make mistakes when using a faux tanner, but you don’t have to! Whether you’re gearing up for your first at-home faux tan or you’ve already made a few errors and are hoping to correct your ways, read on and learn from these common self-tanner mistakes. A simple physical body scrub made with salt or sugar is all you need to get the job done. Make sure to really zero in on notoriously rough spots, like your elbows and knees. In addition, remember to moisturize in the days leading up to your self-tanner application so your skin is soft and evenly hydrated. If you do use your hands, or you want them to get a little tan as well, Read has a pro tip for you: Don’t rinse right away. Wait about a half hour before washing. This gives a subtle, natural-looking glow. With quality products (and by following this advice), you can enjoy your faux tan for at least a good week. When the time comes to remove it, Padill recommends dry brushing first, then using an exfoliant in the shower to speed up the fading process. RELATED: The Best Self Tanners for Your Face