While washing your hands with soap and water is better than using hand sanitizer, for those times when you’re on the go and simply can’t get to a sink, here’s how to mix up your own DIY hand sanitizer. But 20 seconds feels longer than you think—it’s the time it takes to hum the “Happy Birthday” song twice. Want some more modern musical inspiration? CNN has recommended hand-washing tunes for every decade. Also, in case you’re wondering whether you should reach for the soap or wet your hands first, the CDC recommends placing your hands under running water (warm or cold works), turning off the tap, and then applying soap. Bacteria thrives on damp towels, so make sure to hang up your hand towels so they dry thoroughly between uses. While hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol will help kill germs, it doesn’t kill all types of germs and it won’t remove chemicals on your hands. Particularly if your hands are dirty or greasy, hand sanitizer alone won’t do the trick.