So, what can be done to remedy this besides bombing the place with air freshener? Enter the simmer pot. It’s simply a pot of warming water with herbs, extracts, and other good-smelling additions that work quickly to create a naturally better-smelling home. Think of it as a DIY scented candle but with fresher ingredients, a further reach, and more staying power. Even better, you likely already have many of the key ingredients and can quickly pop them on the stove before guests arrive. We like the fresh simmer pot recipe below because it combines zippy citrus, fragrant rosemary, and a touch of vanilla for a warm and clean-smelling scent that will fill the whole house in eight minutes. Now, if only the vacuum would run itself.


Place 2 cups water in a 1-quart pot, boil, then add:

1 lemon, cut into thin slices3 sprigs rosemary1 tablespoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon orange zest

Reduce to a simmer and add more water to the pot as needed.