But first, a disclaimer: Waterproof doesn’t necessarily mean sweatproof. Sweatproof and waterproof can be approached with similar formulation techniques because sweat is about 99 percent water, according to Kelly Dobos, a cosmetic chemist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. “The test methods can vary, like immersing skin in a whirlpool for water resistance or using a sauna for sweatproof claims,” she says. “Sebum resistance is another aspect of formulating, especially for foundation or other face makeups, as oil ‘breakthrough’ can occur during the day and can actually cause darkening of the pigments and powders causing the color to shift. Here we have to utilize ingredients that are not just hydrophobic, but oleophobic (oil-resistant).” So when you see a sweatproof product, you can assume that it’s waterproof too. That being said, I tried to reach for mostly products that claimed to be waterproof, which did live up to its claims of being sweat-proof and water resistant. After testing them myself, I can affirm that these products will get you through pretty much any perspiration-provoking activity. Just remember, less is more when it comes to makeup in sweaty times (leaving sweat and makeup on your skin for too long can lead to breakouts), so make sure to remove everything completely before you go to bed.

Best Sweatproof Makeup Products