That being said, a number of ingredients and meal regimes do have legitimate backing from health professionals. One superstar example is the anti-inflammatory diet. “Science has linked chronic inflammation with the most deadly diseases in the United States: heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke,” explains Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN. “Inflammation is also at the root of other debilitating conditions, like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Autoimmune diseases, like lupus and fibromyalgia, also have an inflammatory component.” However, Largeman-Roth notes that inflammation isn’t all bad. Acute (or short-term) inflammation helps to increase blood flow to an injury or infection, speeding up your body’s healing process. Chronic inflammation, which lingers for months or years, is the dangerous form that needs to be reduced for optimal health. Luckily, there are several lifestyle habits that can help to reduce chronic inflammation. Among these healthy habits is consuming plant substances called phytochemicals. “And choosing more fresh, whole foods instead of processed foods can go a long way toward dialing down your body’s inflammatory response,” she says. Whether you’re short on time, or you’re looking for a simple snack that’ll squeeze more fresh whole foods into your diet, smoothies are an excellent way to jumpstart your anti-inflammatory meal plan. In honor of Largeman-Roth’s recently-released cookbook, Prevention Healthy Kitchen: Juices and Smoothies, she helped us outline the best inflammation-fighting ingredients that are perfect for whirling into smoothies. The best part? They’re all supported by science.