Even though I live alone, moving into 500 square feet required seriously rethinking the way I interact with my space. I have had to get really creative when it comes to optimization. Even though 2021 was, generally speaking, a big shopping year for me (being shuttered inside for months will do that to a person) the six best products I bought were all space-saving household items. Decluttering was essential during this move. I got rid of some big things — the 50-inch TV I had from my parents, all of my vacuums, mops, brooms, my laundry hamper, and dozens of others. The “getting rid of” part was easy, but finding suitable, space-conscious substitutions was where things started to get tricky. I heavily researched every new product I purchased for my home. It was a time consuming process, but now I have some wisdom to impart. These are the best items I bought for my small apartment.