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This is especially important when you are establishing a new garden in an area that was once blanketed by grass. Lawn grasses are tenacious perennials that spring back to life from mere segments of roots. Rent a sod cutter at your local home-improvement store for an afternoon and skim the sod away with minimal effort. You can accomplish the same work with a sharp spade. Excavate at least 2 inches below the soil surface to all of the grass roots.

Check out our weed identification guide.

See how to make a composter.

See flowers that all like wet soil.

Here’s a quick way to determine if the plant needs water: Sink your finger about 2 inches into the soil. If the soil is dry, water the plant deeply. If it is moist, wait a day or two and check the soil again.

Learn more about watering potted plants.

Find the best mulch for you.