Happiness memoirs focus on the author, usually on one positive change they made to improve their life and their outlook. Sometimes this change is as simple as a shift in mindset. In other books, the author had to make a 180-degree flip to turn their life around. Other books offer wisdom. Many nonfiction authors have overcome astounding hurdles in their lives to get where they are today. Some of the most empowering books don’t focus on the endpoint of success. Instead, they detail the arduous journey that the author took to reach their goal. If you’re in a good mood, you can read any book, but if you want to give that mood even more of a boost, find good books that dig deeper into the ideas of happiness and success. Many of them have different messages, but most of these books have at least a few things in common, primarily that mindfulness, kindness, drive, and deliberate living will help you create the life that you want to live. Read one of these 10 books to gain some wisdom about happiness, and keep your good mood going for the long haul. To buy: $10; amazon.com. To buy: $15; amazon.com. To buy: $13; amazon.com. To buy: $16; amazon.com. To buy: $11; amazon.com. To buy: $24, amazon.com. To buy: $18, amazon.com. To buy: $11, amazon.com. To buy: $10, amazon.com. To buy: $11, amazon.com.